Kindergarten Part Two

After my last blog post, I decided I should add some pictures of my Kindergarten experience. Enjoy!

We learned about fire safety!
We learned about patterns, so we got to wear them to school.
Everyone loves this girl!
Justin came to visit and brought Minnie! They were so excited!!
Making gingerbread houses!

Opening their Christmas gifts from me and Maw Maw Soup! What a great surprise!

Pajama Day! Blair reading The Polar Express to my class.

Mrs. Evans and her Kindergarten class.


With approximately 63 days left until spring break, I am well on my way to having my first year of teaching under my belt. What a journey it has been! I was hired at the end of July and was told that I would be teaching a first/second grade combination class. I was so thankful to have a job, but at the same time I was quite intimidated. The thought of having to teach two separate curriculums at the same time terrified me. The week school was starting I had not yet been assigned a class. I had a classroom and I had worked very diligently to get it set up and ready for my first class full of students. However, there were no students' names on my roster. The first week of school I did not even darken the door of my classroom. I spent those three days testing incoming Kindergartners. At the end of that week I was exhausted. I was anxiously awaiting to hear if I would be getting my class that following week. That did not happen. The second week of school I was put in a Kindergarten classroom to co-teach with another teacher. At first, I wasn't too happy about this. I was so ready to be in my classroom teaching my kids. But God obviously had something else in mind. Those two weeks really turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I was given the privilege of working with one of the nicest, most caring women I think I have ever met. Co-teaching with Mrs. Nemser (Kim) was the beginning of a not only a relationship with one of my co-workers, but to a friendship. At the end of those two weeks I was told that I was going to be added as the 9th Kindergarten teacher at our school. And so it began. That first month or so was very difficult for me. Adjusting to teaching Kindergarten and feeling like I didn't know what I was doing kept me anxious and emotionally drained. However, God provided, just like He always does. I am not over half way through with my first year and I am in love with each of my children. I don't always love getting up and going to work, but once I'm there God gives me the strength and the motivation I need to get through the day. I have been blessed with great friends who have helped me so much throughout this process. The other eight women I work with are phenomenal and I couldn't have asked for a better team! Seriously, these women ROCK! Today I was able to spend the majority of the day with two of my team members, Kim and Katie. Both of these girls mean a lot to me and I am so thankful for them. We spent the day having lunch and scrapbooking (something we all love!) and talking about school, life, love, etc. For months I have been thinking about asking if anyone on my team would be interested in starting a prayer time and/or Bible study one morning a week before school. Today, I finally asked. Kim said she has been thinking about this since the beginning of the year. She, Katie, and I are going to start this week!! I am beyond excited about this. I am so thankful for God for always having a plan and being on my side no matter what may be thrown at me. Anyway, I just needed to get some of this out in the open. I hope you'll be encouraged.

In other news, Justin and his clotheCharlotte team distributed coats and clothes to a local homeless ministry! He has been working so hard to get all of this together and I am so proud of him! He is also doing an amazing job with Kinetic's student ministry. Some great things are going to be happening this year!!

Well, it's time for some Will & Grace and more lesson plan writing. Yep, folks this is my Saturday night. But I wouldn't trade it for anything!


New Year

A few things I'd like to do during the coming year (in no particular order)...

  • BLOG more
  • Visit the Biltmore house
  • Buy a house
  • Become extremely good at yoga
  • Run a 5K and a 10K
  • Find joy in everyday things
  • Be the best aunt I can be to my new niece or nephew
  • Keep in touch with family and friends that I don't see very often
  • Drink less COKE (my absolute favorite drink)
  • Read the Bible more
I'm sure the list could go on and on, but this is just to get me started. Each of these things I want to work on continuously throughout the year. Some will be more difficult than others, but all are very doable. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has started the new year off with a bang!

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Meredith's Personal Page

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Breast Friends Forever

Mrs. Meredith McGuirt Evans

0 percent of goal achieved.

Goal: $150.00
Achieved: $0.00

Make a gift!

Fundraising Honor Roll

What am I doing?
I'm walking to support the Charlotte Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure
® because I want to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. Please help me reach my fundraising goal by making a tax-deductible donation today.

You may donate online with your credit card by clicking the "Donate" button at the top of this page. Your support helps us get another step closer to a world without breast cancer.

Your breast health?
The greatest risk factors for breast cancer are being female and growing older. Breast cancer knows no boundary, be it age, gender, socio-economic status or geographic location. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. That's one in eight within your company, school and organization!

The key to survival is early detection. Three simple steps for early detection are regular mammograms, clinical exams and breast self-exams. And, remember, breast cancer affects more than just the patient; friends and family need support too.

What does Komen do?
For more than 25 years, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has played a critical role in every major advance in the fight against breast cancer ? transforming how the world talks about and treats this disease, and helping to turn millions of breast cancer patients into breast cancer survivors.

Over the next 25 years, an estimated 25 million women around the world will be diagnosed with breast cancer if we don't find a cure. Susan G. Komen will not stop until we discover and deliver the cures. That's our promise.

We Will Find the Cure!

My Personal Web Log


Recently I have been thinking a lot about the value of a good friend and what exactly that means. I have had many friends come and go over the past several years as I'm sure most people have. When I think of a true friend I think of my family and the friendships that I have with each of them. I also think of people who have been a part of my life during the greatest of times and the not so great times. I think of a friend as someone who loves me for who I am and not what I have. One of the sweetest friends I have to date is definitely my definition of a true, genuine friend.

I met her a few years ago and since then have grown to love her more and more. We have shared great heart to heart conversations and many laughs over the past few years. This woman is strong and sincere. She is tender hearted and loving. And it just so happens that her husband and my husband share a special friendship as well.

Justin and I love Joe and Michelle McGrew more than they will ever know. Their family has been such a blessing to us over the past few years and with heavy hearts we will soon be seeing them off as they prepare for the next chapter in their lives. God is going to do some amazing things through their family as they journey to St. Louis to plant themselves there for a while.

Publicly, we just want them to know how special they are and how much we love them. I can't wait to see what God does with them! Below are some photos will help make this update a little more special...

Joe, Michelle, Justin and I at Chad and Kim's wedding. (Michelle was there in spirit).
We made an innocent little girl take this picture of us in Old Navy. (She thought we were nuts).
One of my favorite memories.
Just finished taking a nice stroll down the beach.
No caption necessary! HA!
Joe baptizing Alicia. So special!
Me, Michelle and Tallyn at Anne's bday party.
Kinetic Women's Retreat '09.
One of my favorite pictures!
Herrison and Joe at our wedding.
Michelle and Baby Kate at our wedding.
Thanks so much for being a part of our day!
The song that Daniel and Michelle performed at our wedding was breath taking.

Joe, Michelle, Herrison and Kate,

Please never forget how much you are loved. Your friendship to us means more than you will ever know. We are praying for you and we cannot wait to see what this upcoming journey holds for you.

Love Always,

Justin, Mere and Minnie


I cannot believe that July is nearly halfway over. A lot has happened over the past few months.

. I finished student teaching and graduated from UNCC
. We celebrated our one year anniversary
. I had a job interview

. I started my summer nanny job
. Justin quit his valet job (it wasn't worth the time/money)
. We went to the beach for family week
. I celebrated my 24th bday

. I applied for 13 different positions within CMS
. Nothing too exciting has happened so far this month

Here are some pictures from the past few months....

Our Little Family during family week 2010
At Chad and Kim's wedding
My new tattoo
Photo Booth Pictures from Chad and Kim's wedding
Cute Little Minnie


It has been far too long since I've updated our blog. These past few months have been filled with running around like crazy and hardly having time to catch our breath. We have been living at Circle at Southend for a little over a month now. We finally feel settled and our new apartment feels like home. The location of our new home is perfect. We are not too far from anything really since all we have to do it hop onto the interstate to get to our destination. There are so many things within walking distance and we live right on the light rail. I am so happy we made the decision to move when we did. God has really provided for us.

Onto other news, I am graduating THIS coming Saturday!! I cannot wait! My student teaching duties are complete and I am happy to announce that my overall grade is an A! The student teaching experience was really great and it was hard to say goodbye to my class. But, I know that soon enough I will have a class of my own to love and teach. Justin has been working two jobs for about a month now. Along with working at Hook Tire (he was able to transfer to the South Blvd. store), he is also valet parking cars 3-4 nights a week. He has really enjoyed this job so far, but he is also very tired from going, going, going all day/all night long. I am so proud of him and thankful for all of the hard work he does to provide for me. I am still looking for a teaching position for next fall, but I do have a summer nanny job lined up that I am excited about. Minnie is still as cute and as rotten as ever!

Here are some pictures that have been taken over the past few months. Enjoy!!

Beach Trip with some of our favorites!
The whole crew.
Weekend trip to Savannah, GA.
Snow day with the Rinaldis.
Weekend trip to Charleston, SC.
My D.C. favorites.
David Cox Student Teachers 2009-2010.
Hanging out with Blair.
Celebrating Gabby's birthday.

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